When I first announced that I wanted to cloth diaper H, I didn't have many supporters. That isn't to say most people were adamantly against my decision to use cloth, but they certainly weren't going to be enthusiastic about it either. And let's be honest, hanging onto a dirty diaper for up to 3 days and throwing it in the same washing machine that washes regular clothes doesn't sound too appealing. But, I made the plunge when H was 6 weeks old, and we haven't used a single disposable since.
To be honest, I'm not sure what the main reason was for my desire to cloth diaper. I'd like to tell myself that it was for the environmental benefits, the cost savings, or even the lower risk of diaper rash. While I'm sure those reasons did occur to me, I think my main reason is just because I wanted to be different. It wasn't until I'd made my decision to use cloth that I really discovered all the benefits or the options. In my early days, I still thought all cloth was traditional prefolds, pins, and rubber pants - and I was still on board! Much to my pleasure, I discovered that cloth diapers have evolved much like other technologies, and there are now cloth options that are just about as easy as disposables.
J never really seemed to have an opinion on the cloth option, so when H was 5 weeks old, I just went ahead and ordered a small stash of gDiapers (which I'll review at some point). Once I put them on H, I was a goner. An addict. I now have enough to diaper the infant population of a small country.
In the last 6 months, we've used cloth exclusively. I have tried most of the major brands, and some of the hidden gems. We get comments on the cute prints every time we leave the house, and J's mom (the only other person who changes him) has no problem using the cloth. H has not had a single rash, and leaks have been rare and all caused by user error.
And now it's time for bed. I won't worry about changing H's diaper tonight. He easily goes 12 hours in his overnight diaper!
Next time: It's a surprise! (That's code for I don't know yet - if you have a request, let me know!)